We are proud to spotlight one of NASTT’s Student Chapters, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis- iupui-at-nd15IUPUI!

IUPUI was formed in January 2008. Initially comprised of 11 students, the chapter has more than doubled in membership. The chapter is an integral component of the Society of Student Constructors (SSC).

The chapter holds regular monthly meetings and participates in other industry organizations including NUCA and ASCE. They participate in the Midwest Regional Chapter of NASTT events and organize field trips to trenchless project sites.

Each year IUPUI students attend NASTT’s No-Dig Show and are an important part of the conference. They volunteer their time at the show to assist other attendees and staff as well as attend educational sessions and networking events for their own enrichment and professional development.

Great job IUPUI! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!